Arizona Pain Treatment Centers
Nerve Root Block
How Can We Help?
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Cancer Pain Treatments
Cervical Selective Nerve Root Block
Lateral Branch Block
Lateral Branch Radio Frequency Neurotomy
Lumbar Sympathetic Block
Migraine & Headache Treatment
Nerve Root Block
Occipital Nerve Block
Pain Treatments & Procedures
Percutaneous Discectomy
Radiofrequency Neurotomy / Ablation
Regenerative Medicine
Stellate Ganglion Block
Sympathetic Block
Nerve Root Block
What is a Nerve Root Block?
A Nerve Root Block, also called Selective Nerve Root Block, is a procedure where a single nerve-root is injected with anesthetic and cortisone mixture and is both diagnostic and therapeutic.The cortisone medicine injected also serves as a beneficial therapy, as it is an anti-inflammatory medication.
Immediate pain relief from the anesthetic that clinches the nerve’s involvement in causing pain is a good sign for accurate diagnosis. This helps to guide further therapy and determine the root source of the pain. Spinal nerve compression whether due to disc protrusion or bony canal narrowing can produce symptoms of pain, numbness and weakness.Collateral nerve innervation, referral pain and anatomical variations however can make diagnosis of specific nerve compression difficult especially when patients present with indistinct symptoms.
Note from the Doctor
“Please ask our physicians and learn why a nerve root block in necessary in helping discover your pain generators.”
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