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Arizona Pain Treatment Centers

Joint Steroid Injections

Injections, Services

How Can We Help?

At Arizona Pain Treatment Centers we utilize a multi-specialty approach to treat spine, nerve and pain related symptoms. We offer a combination of cutting-edge pain-relieving procedures and medication management. Our team will design an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Joint Steroid Injections

What are Joint Steroid Injections?

Joint injections are of main two types: 

One uses cortisone, which reduces joint inflammation, most commonly in the hips, knees and shoulders.

​The second type is with hyaluronan injections — also called viscosupplementation.

These medications work like a cushioning fluid in the joints – to reduce the ‘bone on bone’ bumping and grinding in the knees.​Whether from an acute injury or long-term degeneration, our joints, including their surrounding capsules, ligaments, and muscles can become inflamed. While initially, the inflammation our bodies produce serves a purpose, it can also damage normal tissue.

Sometimes, the debris from the inflammatory process coagulates and forms hard masses, scarring, and/or trigger points in the muscle or joint, preventing normal function from returning.​Injection of corticosteroids can help reduce inflammation, preventing tissue damage and scarring, as well as decreasing pain and restoring function. The injection can be done with ultrasound or x-ray fluoroscopic guidance to ensure the best results.

  • Acromioclavicular joint​

  • Shoulder

  • ​Elbow​

  • Carpal tunnel

  • ​Interphalangeal (finger) joints​

  • SI joint

  • ​Hip

  • ​Knee

  • ​Ankle

  • ​​Spinal joints

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