Arizona Pain Treatment Centers
How Can We Help?
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Arm / Shoulder Pain
Back Pain
Bulging Disc
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cervical Radiculopathy
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Compressed Disc
Degenerative Disease
Diabetic / Peripheral Neuropathy
Disc Problems
Extruded Discs
Facet Joint Syndrome
General Pain
Head Pain / Headaches / Migraines
Herniated Discs
Lumbar Radiculopathy
Muscle Pain / Spasm
Neck Pain
Pinched Nerve
Piriformis Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
Rotator Cuff Syndrome
Soft Tissue Injuries
Vertebral Compression Fracture
Whiplash Pain / CAD Syndrome
What is Inflammation and How Does it Play a Part in Pain?
A key factor of effective pain management, physical medicine and rehabilitation is discovering the root cause of our patient’s inflammatory response. Whilst inflammation and pain are separate issues they almost always go hand in hand thus making it essential to address both concerns through a muti faceted approach to care.
Pain is defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) as ‘an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage’.
Inflammation is the tissue’s immunologic response to injury, characterized by mobilization of white blood cells and antibodies, swelling, and fluid accumulation.When inflammation occurs, chemicals from the body’s white blood cells are released into the blood or affected tissues in an attempt to rid the body of foreign substances. This release of chemicals increases the blood flow to the area and may result in redness and warmth. Some of the chemicals cause leakage of fluid into the tissues, resulting in swelling. The inflammatory process may stimulate nerves and cause additional pain.
Radiculitis – What Does it Mean?
Radiculitis literally means the inflammation of a nerve root. It is a medical term used by healthcare professionals to refer to the symptoms when a nerve is inflamed or irritated. Radiculitis could be caused by disc herniation, bone spurs, or other spinal conditions.
Note from the Doctor:
“When consulting our patients, we encourage and offer educational support to help patients fully understand the effects of inflammation and what they can do to be proactive in their health.”
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