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Arizona Pain Treatment Centers

Compressed Disc


How Can We Help?

At Arizona Pain Treatment Centers we utilize a multi-specialty approach to treat spine, nerve and pain related symptoms. We offer a combination of cutting-edge pain-relieving procedures and medication management. Our team will design an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Compressed Disc

A Compressed Disc is also known as a Bulging or Herniated disc

A compressed disc, also known as a herniated or bulging disc, is a condition in which the integrity of one or more discs have deteriorated to the point that the nerves exiting from the vertebrae are placed under a great deal of pressure. Depending on the severity of the situation, the condition can lead to recurring back pain or cause permanent injury to other parts of the back and spine.

Compressed discs are also known as prolapsed, ruptured or slipped discs. ​One of the first symptoms that indicate the presence of a compressed disc is a sense of numbness or tingling.

​In situations where the damaged disc is located in the lower portion of the back, recurring back pain originating in that region is quickly followed by recurrent pain in the buttocks and even into the thighs and legs.

​A compressed disc in the upper area of the back often causes numbness or pain in the neck, shoulders, and upper arms.

What is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc happens when the inner disc material, called the nucleus, seeps through the tough outer wall of the disc. A herniated disc can also be referred to as a slipped disc. There are two main types of herniated discs.

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