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Arizona Pain Treatment Centers

Auto Accidents


How Can We Help?

At Arizona Pain Treatment Centers we utilize a multi-specialty approach to treat spine, nerve and pain related symptoms. We offer a combination of cutting-edge pain-relieving procedures and medication management. Our team will design an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Auto Accidents

Accidents Happen

At Arizona Pain Treatment Centers, we understand that following an auto accident you may experience a personal injury that results in headaches, neck or back pain. Some patients experience shoulder and/or leg pain. Other injuries that can occur from a car accident are TMJ Disorder and facial pain. After the accident, you will more than likely have to deal with attorneys, insurance companies, auto repair shops and rental car agencies – and that can be stressful. We understand what your needs are and have years of experience in personal injury cases. At AZPTC, we are prepared to handle insurance paperwork for you, work with your insurance companies and attorneys, coordinate medical care with other specialties, and schedule timely and convenient appointments.

Have you been involved in an accident and are not sure which doctors and surgeons will help you with your injuries and pain? Do you need help healing from your accident and have been experiencing common symptoms like whiplash, headaches, herniated/bulging disc of the spine, shoulder or knee injuries, and constant neck or back pain? Do you need a team of surgeons, pain specialists and rehab doctors who will be happy to work with your 3rd party insurance, auto insurance, as well as work on a medical lien and with your attorney?​​

Note From The Doctor

Being evaluated and treated as soon as possible after a car accident is extremely important. Our goal is to help the recovery process and get patients back on their feet and out of pain. We accept Motor Vehicle Insurance and will treat patients on a lien.

We are committed to helping you heal. 

Coordinated care between our providers makes it quick and easy to get you all the treatment you need in one location. Our goal is to make the treatment of your whiplash pain and injuries as efficient and painless as possible.

Proper treatment should include therapy to restore normal range of motion and strengthen injured tissues. Treatment at our pain clinic includes a complete exam and treatment plan, support and coordination of chiropractic care or physical therapy, and in some cases, injection medicine as they may be necessary to reduce inflammation and pain.


Neck & Back Pain After Auto Accidents

Immediately following a car accident, if people do not experience the obvious cuts, bruises or even broken bones, they often come out of it feeling uneasy but generally say they feel OK. They typically are just happy to be conscious and alive. Then a few days or weeks later, they begin to experience pain and don’t know that it is due to the accident. 


Why can it take a few days for injuries and pain to set it?

When a traumatic experience like a car accident occurs, your body has the natural reaction to excrete a substance from your adrenal glands known as Adrenaline. Adrenaline is your body’s natural pain killer that masks the immediate pain that is felt from a traumatic injury. As adrenalin slowly wears off, people then begin to feel the effects of the crash. The areas most affected in an auto collision tend to be along the neck and the spine. From slipped and herniated discs to compression fractures and spinal cord damage, the types of back injuries possible in a car wreck are endless. These back injuries cause severe debilitating pain and can possibly keep you away from work and unable to care for your family. Therefore, it is always recommended that you visit a hospital immediately following a collision to make sure you are checked for possible injuries. If you experience pain right away and go to the hospital, it is likely that the most they will do in the emergency room is take an x-ray to ensure there aren’t any broken bones, prescribe you some pain medication and send you on your way. This is where most patients get ‘lost’ as to what to do next. 


Be seen right away by a Spine Specialists

It is important that you immediately take the next follow up with a spine specialist like those at Arizona Pain Treatment Centers. We accept and are experienced in personal injury cases seeking further treatment. If the pain continues, an MRI test may be ordered which are much clearer than x-rays and will allow our team to observe and diagnose the problem associated with the accident. Additional diagnostic tests may be ordered to confirm injuries sustained from the accident. Our team makes the process easy and manages all points of care.


Don’t Make This Mistake After an Auto Accident

Medications may mask the neck and low back pain resulting from a whiplash injury, but they don’t necessarily aid your body’s capacity to heal from an auto accident. An auto accident often makes your neck and back sore due to soft tissue injury from the whiplash. It is important to understand that medications alone are not the answer for recovery.​Our goal is to provide the proper care and education needed to a quick and healthy recovery process!

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