Arizona Pain Treatment Centers
Lumbar Facet Joint Injection
How Can We Help?
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Cervical Facet Joint Injection
Cortisone Injection
Epidural Steroid Injection / Therapeutic
Facet Joint Injection
Intra Articula Joint Injections
Joint Steroid Injections
Knee Injections / Ablations
Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection
Lumbar Facet Joint Injection
Medial Branch Block – Test Injection
Non-Steroidal Injections
Sacroiliac Joint Injections
Trigger Point Injections
Lumbar Facet Joint Injection
What is a lumbar facet joint injection?
A lumbar facet joint injection is an injection procedure that can be both diagnostic(test) and therapeutic for neck and back pain. Facet joint block injections can confirm whether the facets joints are indeed the source of pain and can help relieve the pain. A lumbar facet joint injection is performed in the lumbar spine.
The spine is composed of bony vertebral bodies, which are stacked on top of each other and separated by a disc. A facet joint connects the upper part of one vertebral body to the lower part of another vertebral body in the spine.
Occasionally, this joint can become irritated or inflamed causing pain. Our doctors will explain the procedure and specialized treatment plan to address your condition.
Our pain doctors will view the entire procedure on a fluoroscopic screen and assess the internal structure of the discs.
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