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Call AZPTC Today: 602-265-8800

Arizona Pain Treatment Centers

Knee Injections / Ablations

Injections, Services

How Can We Help?

At Arizona Pain Treatment Centers we utilize a multi-specialty approach to treat spine, nerve and pain related symptoms. We offer a combination of cutting-edge pain-relieving procedures and medication management. Our team will design an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Knee Injections / Ablations

What if you have Referred Knee Pain?

Referred knee pain may be the result of a herniated disc in the back, arthritis in the hip or even clots in the leg. It is important to distinguish pain that arises from knee pathology from other potential causes. Referred pain may also coexist with a problem in the knee. A pinched nerve for example may result in pain behind the knee and a torn piece of cartilage inside the may cause pain in the front of the knee.

These two problems together can lead to pain that is felt all over the knee. ​It is important for our Pain Specialists to accurately diagnosis knee pain and best determine the options appropriate to treat the pain.​ We specialize in accurately diagnosing knee pain and determining the best options for treatment.

AZPTC Offers a Knee Pain Relief Program.

Some of the leading causes of knee pain are by sport injuries, auto accidents and work injuries, mechanical problems, and certain types of arthritis. Our team of pain specialists at Arizona Pain Treatment Centers are well equipped to diagnose the problem and treat the knee injury and/or arthritic joint pain with our treatment program.


Knee Pain Relief and Arthritis Program:

  • Are your knees very stiff in the morning?

  • Do your knees hurt when going up and down stairs?

  • Do you have swelling or limited motion in your knees?

  • Do you experience pain when running or working out?

  • Have you been told you may need knee replacement surgery?

  • Do you depend on NSAIDS to manage your knee pain without much success?


If you answered YES to any of these questions, our specialists at Arizona Pain Treatment Centers are ready to help!


What are lubricating knee injections?

The keys to our knee pain relief success at AZPTC include the use of a safe and all-natural *joint lubricant, often referred to as *Hyalgan®, *Synvisc-One® and *Orthovisc®. The process of injecting the lubricant is called a viscosupplementation and it acts as a shock absorber or “joint oil”. The natural substance is a hyaluronic acid which contains one of the natural building blocks of the synovial fluid that lubricates your knee.

This treatment is very effective for sports injuries and for athletes that love to run, bike, hike or participate in any sports that puts stress on the knees. It is also a great alternative to for people who are suffering from arthritis and would like to avoid knee replacement surgery. The viscosupplementation is covered by most insurances!

Genicular Nerve Block (G Block)

This outpatient procedure is an injection of anesthetic to the genicular nerves. These are the sensory nerves that transmit pain signals from the knee to the brain. Anesthetizing these nerves can disrupt the pain signals caused by degeneration of the knee. A genicular nerve block can provide temporary pain relief. It may help determine if a patient is a candidate for nerve ablation, which can provide long-term pain relief.


Genicular Nerve Ablation (RF Neurotomy)

During this outpatient procedure, our specialists use a radiofrequency device to heat up and disrupt the genicular nerves. These are the sensory nerves that transmit pain signals from the knee to the brain. Disrupting these pathways can provide long term relief from knee pain.

Browse Injections

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