Arizona Pain Treatment Centers
Piriformis Syndrome
How Can We Help?
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Arm / Shoulder Pain
Back Pain
Bulging Disc
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cervical Radiculopathy
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Compressed Disc
Degenerative Disease
Diabetic / Peripheral Neuropathy
Disc Problems
Extruded Discs
Facet Joint Syndrome
General Pain
Head Pain / Headaches / Migraines
Herniated Discs
Lumbar Radiculopathy
Muscle Pain / Spasm
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Pinched Nerve
Piriformis Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
Rotator Cuff Syndrome
Soft Tissue Injuries
Vertebral Compression Fracture
Whiplash Pain / CAD Syndrome
Piriformis Syndrome
What is Piriformis Syndrome?
The piriformis muscle is a small, band-like muscle located deep in the buttock. It attaches to the base of the spine at one end and the joint of the thigh bone (femur) at the other end. The piriformis muscle plays an important role in our lower body movement. It stabilizes the hip joint, and it enables us to walk, shift our weight from one foot to another, and maintain balance. The sciatic nerve runs alongside or through the piriformis muscle.
Piriformis syndrome refers to the symptoms that occur when the sciatic nerve is compressed by the piriformis muscle. Similar to symptoms of sciatica or sciatic nerve pain, symptoms of piriformis syndrome also include pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, as well as tingling or numbness in the buttocks.
Note from the Doctor:
“Receiving specialized treatment for piriformis syndrome can get you back on track to doing the things that you love. Come see our team for relief.”
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