Arizona Pain Treatment Centers
Lumbar Radiculopathy
How Can We Help?
Browse Conditions

Arm / Shoulder Pain
Back Pain
Bulging Disc
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cervical Radiculopathy
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Compressed Disc
Degenerative Disease
Diabetic / Peripheral Neuropathy
Disc Problems
Extruded Discs
Facet Joint Syndrome
General Pain
Head Pain / Headaches / Migraines
Herniated Discs
Lumbar Radiculopathy
Muscle Pain / Spasm
Neck Pain
Pinched Nerve
Piriformis Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
Rotator Cuff Syndrome
Soft Tissue Injuries
Vertebral Compression Fracture
Whiplash Pain / CAD Syndrome
Lumbar Radiculopathy
Lumbar Radiculopathy/Sciatica
Lumbar radiculopathy is not a specific condition but refers to chronic injuries of the spinal nerve roots caused by nerve compression, or irritation that has been left untreated. Radiculopathy is the term used to describe symptoms in any part of the spine caused by nerves that are not working properly. It is most common in the lower back (lumbar radiculopathy) and in the neck (cervical radiculopathy).
Lumbar radiculopathy most commonly presents as lower back pain and muscle weakness. Pain down the back of the leg and into the foot and loss of the Achilles reflex are S1 lumbar radiculopathy specific symptoms. Numbness, tingling, weakness, loss of motor function, and radiating pain are some of the common symptoms of radiculopathy. Most patients will describe the pain as a sharp radiating pain that worsens with activity or change in positions.
Repetitive or stressful activities are commonly known causes of radiculopathy. If you have a job that involves repetitive motions or heavy lifting, you are particularly at risk for radiculopathy. A genetic disposition and other spine disorders can also increase your risk of developing radiculopathy.
As physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians, we treat patients every day that suffer from lumbar radiating pain and receive the benefits from our pain medicine procedures and coordinated physical rehab. Once we have diagnosed the pain generator, we can actively treat the condition.
Browse Conditions

View Additional Treatments
- Arm / Shoulder Pain
- Arthritis
- Whiplash Pain / CAD Syndrome
- Vertebral Compression Fracture
- Spondylolisthesis
- Soft Tissue Injuries
- Sciatica
- Rotator Cuff Syndrome
- Radiculopathy
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Piriformis Syndrome
- Pinched Nerve
- Osteoarthritis
- Neck Pain
- Muscle Pain / Spasm
- Lumbar Radiculopathy
- Inflammation
- Herniated Discs
- Head Pain / Headaches / Migraines
- General Pain
- Facet Joint Syndrome
- Extruded Discs
- Disc Problems
- Diabetic / Peripheral Neuropathy
- Degenerative Disease
- Compressed Disc
- Coccydynia
- Cervical Radiculopathy
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Bulging Disc
- Back Pain
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
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