Arizona Pain Treatment Centers
Muscle Imbalance
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Muscle Imbalance
What is Muscle Imbalance?
Muscle imbalance occurs when a muscle doesn’t contract properly causing other muscles in the body to compensate thus overwork. It may not sound serious, but it can cause a wide range of problems, including body aches, fatigue, muscle tightness, spasms, and back and neck pain.
The muscles in our bodies are designed to work in balanced symmetry. The body will compensate for the imbalances and over time, muscles, ligaments and nerves become trained and learn to move differently. Oftentimes this leads to poor posture, recurring injury and the possibility of chronic pain syndrome.
Repetitive motion injuries are not limited to one segment of the population. They can be work-related, athletic-driven or a function of everyday living.
At Arizona Pain Treatment Centers, we will help you identify repetitive motions that place a particular muscle or group of muscles under severe stress and create a treatment plan encompassing both therapy and home-stretching workouts. These will enable you to feel relief as well as alleviating any future muscular imbalances through the strengthening of necessary muscle groups.
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