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Arizona Pain Treatment Centers

Spinal Cord Stimulator Implants

Services, Surgery

How Can We Help?

At Arizona Pain Treatment Centers we utilize a multi-specialty approach to treat spine, nerve and pain related symptoms. We offer a combination of cutting-edge pain-relieving procedures and medication management. Our team will design an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Spinal Cord Stimulator Implants

How Does a Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant Work?

Spinal Cord Stimulator Implants, referred to as a Spinal Cord Stimulator or Neurostimulation, work by intercepting pain signals before they reach the brain. To do this, a small system is implanted within the body by our trained physicians and monitored for optimal results and relief. This system, like a cardiac pacemaker, is used to replace pain with a different feeling which creates a new method for treating pain.

Some people describe this feeling as a gentle massaging sensation or, in some cases, simply the absence of pain.

  • Pain signals travel up the spinal cord to the brain.

  • A generator sends pulses to a lead (a thin wire).

  • The lead delivers these pulses to nerves along the spinal cord.

  • The pulses block the pain signals before they reach the brain.

  • The painful feeling is replaced with a more pleasant sensation.


You may be a candidate if you have:


  • Chronic pain in the back, neck, arms, or legs that has lasted at least six months.

  • Neuropathic pain (pain marked by burning, tingling, or numbness).

  • Little or no relief from surgery or other treatment options, such as pain medications, nerve blocks, or physical therapy.

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